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Cannabis Policy for the Calaveras County Fairgrounds


This Cannabis Policy for the Calaveras County Fairgrounds (“Fairgrounds”) is adopted by the 39th District Agricultural Association (“39th DAA”) in accordance with Federal and California law.  The 39th DAA recognizes that regardless of state law permitting commercial cannabis activity, cannabis remains a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law.


Cannabis Use Prohibited
Cannabis use shall be prohibited in all areas of the Fairgrounds and in the Frogtown RV Park.


Cannabis Interim Events

Due to the youth facilities located on the Fairgrounds, the 39th DAA does not permit cannabis events where cannabis is sold and used to be held on the Fairgrounds.



Advertising & Sponsors

The 39th DAA prohibits advertising in any format (such as banners, flyers, signs, video) and the renting of vendor space for the purpose of marketing or promoting a cannabis business or product at all events where those under the age of 21 are in attendance.   This does not preclude a cannabis business from purchasing an animal at the junior livestock auction. 


This advertising and sponsorship policy does not apply to events that are restricted to attendees 21 years of age and older.  In addition, this policy does not preclude an individual or group from renting vendor space for the purpose of Freedom of Expression activity related to cannabis so long as the material displayed or distributed does not promote a cannabis business or product.

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Reading a Book
Paper Stack and Pencil

2465 Gun Club Road

PO Box 489
Angels Camp CA 95222

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Seasonal Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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