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2020 Junior Livestock Auction Buyers

Please see the list of 2020 buyers.  Buyers may boost exhibitors until May 31, 2020.  The list of buyers who boosted will be published at that time.  If you bought Sunday and your name does not appear, please call the Fairgrounds office. 


AMTEC Industries

Angels Camp Vetrinarian Hospital

Angels Sheet Metal

Angie Nixon

Becks Fishing and Diving

Big Bear Drywall

Bolin Roofing Inc

Brad and Dianne Foppiano

Brad Sutton Trucking

Brian Magarrell Construction

Bruce and Linda Olson

Bryant Helvey

Cal Waste

Calaveras Concrete Pumping

Calaveras Lumber

Calaveras Telephone

California Healthy Harvest

Carol Phelps

Caroline Schirato

Carrie Phillips

Cary Stover

Cerrudo Services

CFLC and Libertas Academy

Colton, Carlee and Carson Atkinson

Conrado Repair

Cosima Broglio

Crystal Robles

CT and Sara Tutthill

Curtis and Jamie Jasper

Dan and Kellie Segale

Debbie Segale

Distinctive Metals

Eco Fire

Edward Schwartz

Ellen Hart

Fischer Computer Consulting

Fisk Demolition

Gardina Construction

Gary and Mary Kimura

Gates Concrete

General Supply Company, Mark Amaro

George Reed Inc.

Gina Sullivan

Gina Valente Moore

GM Cattle Company

Gold Electric, James Heryford

Greg Jaggers

Grubstake Storage

In Memory of Vern Devalle

Ironstone Vineyards

J Heart Ranch

Jason Wright

Jennifer Smith

Jerry Middleton

Jess Krick

Joe Whittle

John and Michelle Rugo

John and Patti Garamendi

John Eudy

Jorn Bauemeister

Justice Rasmussen

K.W. Emerson

Kaili Mills

Kelly Van Lieshout

Kristina Fillmore

Krystal Thompson

KW Emerson

Kyle and Sabrina Krause

Kyle Rassmussen

Larie Durham

Laurie Giannini

Lindsey Laughlin

Lorry Weatherby

Low Fab

MACT Health Board

Mark Twain Medical Center

Matt Pesce

McCormick Livestock

Megan Yoder

Melissa Komure

Michelle Perkins

Middleton's Mark Twain Center

Mike and Joelene Segale

Mike Ziehlke

Mills Plumbing

Moreno Trenching

Mountain Valley Glass

Murphys Motorcycle Company

Murphys Pizza Company

Murphys Sierra Shine Car Wash

Naomi White

New Melones Lake Marina

Pacific Agri Lands

Parris Scott Roofing, Parris and Kara Scott

Puccinelli Construction

Richard and Carol Heermance

Rick Laskowski

Robert Urban

Robert Urban

Rolleri Constuction

Rolleri Excavation

Rolleri Livestock

Ron Davis Construction

Ron Ervin

Ryan Upchurch

Sally Tower 

Sam Berri Towing

Sara and Jared Cobb

Sender Suffolk

Senders Market

Senders Market

Senders Market Ace Hardware

Senders Truss Company

Shannon Kelaita

Sheryl Morris

Sierra Pacific Industries

Stammerjohan Chiropractic

Stephanie Peffer

Steve and Melissa Walraven

Stewart Segale

Stivers Construction

Tanko Well Drilling

Tawnya and Mario Hernandez

The Red Store

Tim and Tisha Cox

Tim Maddock, National Aquatic Services

Treats General Store

Trevor Airola

Troy M Kardas Construction

Tyler James

Tyson Jone

Vincent Osborn

Weber Ghio and Associates

Wintercreek Ranch

Wooster Ranch

Wyatt and Maddie Walraven

Union Mine Ranch, A I

Youngs IGA Payless

Resale Prices


Beef - $1 per pound

Swine - $0.45 per pound

Sheep - $0.80 per pound

Goats - $2.70 per pound

Rabbits - No Resale



2465 Gun Club Road

PO Box 489
Angels Camp CA 95222

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Seasonal Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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